How your leaders shape the culture and drive engagement?

Most organizations invest heavily in programs for high potentials, executive coaches or costly executive education programs.
But those not always produce the expected result.
86% of senior leaders understand that organization’s future depends on leadership development programs.
Only 13% consider such programs to be a success.

Is this solution for your organization?

If you experience two or more of the following symptoms, then there might be something in your leadership development process you could improve:

  • You want to rank better at Employer brand surveys
  • Key people are leaving the company
  • People feel that good work is not recognized
  • Frequently complains of poor work-life balance
  • It is difficult to fill key positions from within
  • Lack of trust and commitment
  • People rate leaders as inefficient in delegating and communicating
  • Long, frequent and inefficient meetings
  • Internal competition and conflicts
  • High workload and multitasking
  • People don’t feel supported in their work

Your people
deserve the best

When you participate in Silega Leadership Program, you immerse yourself in a unique experience that has been proven to work in more than 40 countries around the world. Leading universities across Europe, Asia and Americas use our business simulations at a part of their MBA curricula teaching. Our world-class facilitators with industry experience can help you adapt.

How to deal with people that have seen it all and are easy bored? Business simulations are different, highly engaging and interactive by nature. Participants take decisions and own the result of their actions. Situations and findings during an experiential session are relevant and immediately applicable to the real life. And because of the high ownership, people are more committed to transfer the learning to their jobs.

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How to deal with people that have seen it all and are easy bored? Business simulations are different, highly engaging and interactive by nature. Participants take decisions and own the result of their actions. Situations and findings during an experiential session are relevant and immediately applicable to the real life. And because of the high ownership, people are more committed to transfer the learning to their jobs.

Maximize your ROI with followup and measurable results

Our proven process increases the probability that you will get the best return on your investment. Our world-class facilitator will work with you to ensure that skills are related with your strategic objectives, define measurable changes, involve management and make sure participants obtain feedback and support after the training.

Solutions for 3 hours to 1 day

Engage and challenge your leaders with one of our original 3 to 8 hours business simulations. Featured programs:

Solutions for 1-3 days

Our transformational workshops can help you build capabilities and create insights. Featured workshops:

Leadership with emotional intelligence (2 days)

Used products:

Silega Commander

Coaching for Leaders
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Challenger

The Power of Influence
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Commander

Building and Leading High-Performance Teams
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Cold War

Leadership Foundations
(2 days)

Conversations for leaders and Storytelling
(2 days) *

Fully custom products used

Negotiations for leaders
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Commander

Everyday leadership communication
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Commander

Leadership Resilience
(1 day)

Used products:

Silega Cold War

Women in Leadership
(2 days)

Used products:

Silega Expedition

Talent Management
(1 to 2 days)

Used products:

Silega Talent

The Science of Well-Being
(1 to 2 days)

Fully custom products used

Improve your Leadership Development today

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Some of our Leadership development customers & Case studies

EuroKids’s leadership team 
used Silega Expedition™ to be better prepared to meet current and future challenges.
[Download PDF]

Nokia used Silega Commander™ to accelerate a successful culture shift.
[Download PDF]

GrupoKaybee’s heads of offices around the globe
used Silega Expedition™ to plan, strategize and project targets for the short and long term.
[Download PDF]

Related solutions

Anticipate and manage change
Leadership development and managing change are interrelated. As most changes require culture overhaul, this cannot happen without the support and the skills of leaders.


Technical Details

MANAGEMENT LEVEL: Middle management, top management
LEARNING LEVEL: Skills, behavioral change
PURPOSES: Learn new skills, change behaviors, link theory with practice, test understanding, explore business dynamics, share knowledge, integrate prior learning, open a training session, close a training session

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